Sunday, June 19, 2011

The way you love me

My God, my Savior. What an unworthy man I am. Always turning my back on you and working against your will. Never did I think I would be loved in such a way that you have given me. I once believed that love was just a fictional fairy tale. Something only achieved by those who lived in la-la land. Love to me was just a word expressed by man to get what they wanted. Nothing sincere about it at all. No real feelings or compassion. YOU however, have shown me different. Love is having compassion for the undeserving, mercy for the non accepting, passion for the unworthy. You have taken this broken, beat-down, shell of a man, and transformed me into a being of Love! Agape love that is. Without your love, I never would have put down the pills, the alcohol, or the blade that dark night. You shone your light of love in the darkest room of my life. Without your love, those trains wouldn't have stopped and I'd be crushed. Without your love, I'd have no life. Your love is all I will ever need in my life. And when I feel unworthy, you grab me up and remind me of your love. Thank you for showing me what love truly is. Now, let me love you the way you deserve, Jesus. Show me how to live entirely for you and not for myself. I want to give it ALL to you. Not just a portion, but the whole thing. Jesus, take my life. Call me, and I will go. I'm setting it all aside. I am completely yours. Amen. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Jesus was truly white!

Have you ever looked at a picture or painting of a black Jesus and thought to yourself, “This just doesn’t feel right?” You ask yourself, “Is the painter joking? Is he making fun of Jesus?” The answer is yes, the artist is being sarcastic and that artist is surely burning in hell’s fire as I type this.
Jesus was white. Yes, He was born in the Middle East, but His father was not Middle Eastern, He was God. God is NOT Middle Eastern. When was the last time you saw a painting of God with a Turban wrapped around His head? Never? Exactly.
God is white. God has always been white. Every depiction, every description and every painting I have seen of God has been white. God impregnated Mary, NOT Joseph. Therefor, Jesus is white.
That is what drew people to Him in the first place. A white skinned man in the Middle East 2000 years ago was surely a miracle and Jesus was and is a miracle worker.
Now look at Heaven. Heaven is mostly made of feathery white clouds with rays of light shooting through them, which according to most Christians I know, would make the inhabitants white.
Also, white is amazingly proficient at reflecting light, which is very important when living in Heaven because it’s much closer to the sun than living on the Earth. This white skin prevents you from getting cancer in Heaven and I’m sure stops many other diseases in their tracks.
So, next time you start babbling on about how, “Jesus was Middle Eastern and couldn’t have been white”, save yourself the embarrassment and look at the Facts! 
God Bless!

Posted by: Pastor Ezekiel


Okay, so I was originally going to rant about how factually incorrect this post was. Then I did a little research about Landover Baptist Church and discovered that this was not actually a real church. According to the Wikipedia page, Landover "is a fictional baptist church based in the fictional town of Freehold, Iowa. The Landover Baptist web site and its associated Forum are a satire of fundamentalist Christianity and the Religious Right in the United States."

I browsed the forums for a while, and with each thread I read, got a more and more upset. I had thought these people were completely sincere in their beliefs. But instead, they are actually mocking the dead-set right wing extremist that are pushing people away from Christ instead of drawing them nearer. 

This is a huge problem these days. With "churches" such as the Westboro Baptist Church, it makes those who are without love see God as a hateful angry god. How are we to ever get people saved when we are telling them they are hated by the very one who created them? The answer: We can't. We have to shine the love light of Jesus brighter than ever before. 

It is time to stand up against these iniquities. Reach out to those deepest in need. Why are we focusing all of our love on those who already know God loves them? We need to grab a hold of the ones who don't yet understand. Embrace them with the loving arms of Jesus and do not let go. Encourage them to take steps in the right direction, but do not force. Uplift their spirits with words of edification. 

We are all born into sin and no man is better than the next. If you wish to condemn a person for being a sinner, go ahead and condemn yourself. 1 John 5:17 states "All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death."

So once again, let us love one another as Jesus loves us. Guide each other into living a life of righteousness, but do not shove.

Monday, June 13, 2011

His legs don't yours?

Many of us live our lives afraid to strive for the "impossible". We don't go for that jog to lose weight because it's too difficult and kinda hurts the knees. We sit on our rumps watching television and become jealous of all those people doing something with their lives. How is it that this young guy can have the courage to take on a difficult task such as skateboarding with inadequate leg support, but we can't even be bothered to get up to find the remote? This gif should be an inspiration as well as a wake up call. Get up, people! Run wild! Live free! Most of all, MOVE!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

How Great Thou Art

Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!
Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art! 

Carrie Underwood had me in tears and covered in chills when she did this song. Her powerful vocals had me in a trance. I don't think I've heard a better rendition yet. I have to give her a 5 out of 5 on her performance. It is wonderful to hear great gospel hymns being sang on live television even with all the liberals fighting against it.

''Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come before him: worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.'' 1 Chronicles 16:29