Saturday, May 14, 2011

Help others and help yourself.

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."   – Mark Twain

I find this quote by Mark Twain to be extremely veracious. I remember many times in my youth, when I would feel down and outright depressed, helping a peer through their problems helped me out immensely. Many might say that it's because viewing others problems in comparison to yours will give you a better perspective on the reality that your issues have no real value. However, I see it a bit differently. I think the reason many people "cheer up" while "cheering up" others is because we all strive to feel needed. A sense of worthlessness is one of the worst feelings anyone could ever deal with. So when we notice we've done well in helping someone out, we in turn, are helped out by our own doing. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The beginnings.

From time to time I will be posting what is on my mind. Though it may end up being thought provoking,  it is not meant to discourage, persuade, downgrade, or insult anyone or their own beliefs. Instead, I hope to maybe uplift, encourage, and enlighten. Please feel free to comment on anything you wish. I will try to read all comments and respond.