Saturday, December 1, 2012

Importance of Testimony

Often times, we as Christians, neglect to share our testimonies. There may be many reasons for this such as, afraid of public speaking, not wanting to make oneself look like a fool, not knowing how to put it into words, or thinking that you don't have a testimony worthy enough to share.

Let me field my thoughts on that last statement for a moment. 

So you grew up in a Christian home, never missed Sunday school since you were a month old, and have never strayed from the 'straight and narrow'? That doesn't mean you didn't face struggles along the way. If you're close with God, Satan will try to tempt and fool you so you don't stay there. Everyone has a testimony worthy of sharing, even if it's not built up on a living a life of destruction through sex, drugs, and alcohol and then "finding the light". If you truly believe you don't have a testimony demonstrating your struggles on living a life without sin, I think you should take some time and look into your life and if you're actually pursuing God.

With that being said, let me get on with my next point. 

How can I get over my fear/neglect of sharing my testimony? For this, I recommend looking to scripture.

But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me. John 15:26

We need to realize that it's not really our testimony. It is God's and we are to share with others what God has done through us. God has allowed us to live so that HE may be glorified and neglecting to share a testimony is neglecting to glorify Him.

Now I challenge you.

The next time someone asks you about your life, be real with them. Do not waste a single minute in hesitation. The more you do this, and the more honest you are, the more Christ will be glorified!

Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. John 17:17

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. If we take the focus off of ourselves, Christ is glorified as we are diminished. Even on judgement day, when answer for our actions (all actions) even then we, in Christ, do not fear. We are already home. This is merely an accounting of our former selves.

    May I permit, if you have the time and inclination, to expound your views on an in-depth topic?
