Sunday, August 21, 2011

Why did you adopt Lydia? To kill her?

Investigative Report: Spare the Rod Spoil the Child? VIA Presstorm

The above is a news article published about the death of a 7 year old formispronouncing a word from the bible. Reading through this article I couldn't help but to have my blood boil. Red in the face and full of rage, I read on about these "Christian" "parents". No true Christian, and no true parent, would EVER succumb to such treachery. This was NOT something God wanted them to do. Jesus came to this earth to spread the message of  LOVE, not murder. To beat a child to death with a piece of PVC pipe is not love. Nor is it love to punish a child, a 7 year old at that, for mispronouncing a word in the Bible! I just can't understand what would ever make a person think that any of this was okay. The "dad" is to receive a mere 22 years in prison? I think he should serve a year for everyone one this child was robbed of. The average life expectancy in America is 78 years. That's 71 years this child has been brutally beggared of. Give the sick man 71 minimum!

A quote from an article on the blog in which the parents based their parenting skills from, “MICHAEL PEARL LAUGHS AT CRITICS:
It has come to may attention that a vocal few are decrying our sensible application of the Biblical rod in training up our children. I laugh at my caustic critics, for our properly spanked and trained children grow to maturity in great peace and love.Numbered in the millions, these kids become the models of self-control and discipline, highly educated and creative—entrepreneurs that pay the taxes your children will receive in entitlements. When your children finally find an honest mechanic or a trustworthy homebuilder, it will be one of ours.
When your children apply for a job it will be at a company our children founded. When they go to a doctor, it will be one of our Christian children that heals them with cutting edge innovation. When your adult kids go for therapy it will be one of our kids-become-psychologist that directs them to the couch and challenges them to release their self-loathing and embrace hope for a better tomorrow. When your children grow old and realize their mortality and seek to make peace with their Creator, it will be one of our children that shares with them the message of God’s love and forgiveness."

It seems to me, sir, that you have a horrible case of pride! I think you should get that into check. I won't go on with what I feel about you right now.
This all just sickens me. Sorry my entry was so poorly written. I can't seem to focus after learning of this. Thank you for sharing this unbelievable act of duplicity.

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